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All, every and whole Unit 87

Unit 87

All, every and whole


(a) All everyone everybody everything


All имеет ограниченное применение:


- Everybody liked her singing. (а не `All liked...')

- She knows everyone in her department. (а не `... all in her



- I believe he knows everything. (а не `knows all')

- It was an awful week-end. Everything went wrong. (а не `all went wrong')


All может употребляться в выражении all about :


- Mike told me all about you.


и в значении the only thing(s) :


- All I've visited in my life was Paris.(=единственное место,где я был)


(b) Глагол в единственном числе употребляется после

every / everyone / everybody / everything :


- Every seat in the hall was taken.

- Everybody looks sleepy today.

- Everything he promised was done.


Но формы множественного числа they / them / their

пупотребляются после everyone / everybody :


- Has everyone taken their seats? (= his or her)

- Everybody said they would point at him. (= he or she)


с All and whole

Whole ,в основном, употребляется с существительными

в единственном числе и с the / my / her и т.д. :


- Have you seen the whole film? (= all the film, not just a part of it)

- He was very angry. He argued the whole evening.

- She has spent her whole life doing nothing.


the whole book / all the book her whole life / all her life


`a whole' можно употребить в:


- Nick ate a whole cake in the morning. (= a complete cake)


(d) Every / all / whole со словами, обозначающими время.


every показывает, как часто что-либо происходит

(every day / every week / every Monday

every ten minutes / every three weeks и т.д.) :


- We visit our parents every summer.

- He phones her every ten minutes.

- Ted goes to work every day.


( All day / the whole day = целый день):


- They'll spend all day / the whole day at home.

- I've been looking for the professor all morning / the whole morning.

- She's been away all week / the whole week.


Отметьте, мы чаще говорим all day / all week и т.д.

(а не all the day / all the week)


Об all смотри также Unit 82, и Unit 106.

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