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Prefer and would rather Unit 64

Unit 64

Prefer and would rather


(a) Prefer to do и prefer doing

Чтобы сказать о предпочтении говорят

`prefer to do' или `prefer doing'.

Выражение `Prefer to do' более употребительно:


- I don't like cities. I prefer to live (или I prefer living) in the country.


Запомните различие конструкций:


I prefer (doing) something to (doing) something else

но: I prefer to do something rather than (do) something else



- I prefer that coat to the coat you were wearing yesterday.

- Tom prefers driving to travelling by train.

но: Tom prefers to drive rather than travel by train.

- I prefer to live in the country rather than (live) in a city.


(b) Would prefer (to do)


Чтобы выразить предпочтение в конкретной ситуации

(а не вообще) применяют `would prefer to do':


- `Would you prefer tea or coffee?' `Coffee, please.'

- `Shall we go by train?' `Well, I'd prefer to go by car.' (а не `going')


Отметьте конструкцию:


I'd prefer to do something rather than (do) something else


- I'd prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.


(c) Would rather (do) = would prefer to do.

Инфинитив после would rather используется

без to.



Shall we go by train?

Well, I'd prefer to go by car.


Well, I'd rather go by car. (а не `to go')


- `Would you rather have tea or coffee?' `Coffee, please.'

- I'm tired. I'd rather not go out this evening, if you don't mind.

- `Do you want to go out this evening?' `I'd rather not.'


Отметьте конструкцию:


I'd rather do something than (do) something else


- I'd rather stay at home than go to the cinema.


(d) Would rather someone did something


Когда хотят, чтобы кто-либо другой что-либо

сделал, говорят I'd rather did../

I'd rather he did...и т.д. В конструкции

иcпользуется прошедшее время, но значение

этой конструкции - настоящее или будущее время,

но не прошедшее.




I'd rather cook the dinner now.

I'd rather you cooked the dinner now. (а не `I'd rather you cook')


- `Shall I stay here?' `Well, I'd rather you came with us.'

- I'd rather you didn't tell anyone what I said.

- `Do you mind if I smoke?' `I'd rather you didn't.'

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