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Both / both of, neither / neither of, either / either of Unit 83

Unit 83

Both / both of, neither / neither of, either / either of

(a) Слова both, neither и either употребляются,

когда речь идет о двух предметах сразу:


- Both stores are very good. (а не `the both stores')

- Neither store is expensive.

- We can go to either store. I don't care. (either = любой;либо один,

либо другой; все равно который)

- I didn't like either store. (ни тот, ни другой)


(b) Слова both/neither/either могут также

употребляться с конструкцией of....

В этом случае необходимо использовать

the/these/those/my/your/his и т.д.:

both of the restaurants / both of these restaurants и т.д.

(а не 'both of restaurants' )


- Both of these stores are very good.

- Neither of the stores we visited was (или were) expensive.

- See either of those films. I don't care.


both может быть с или без предлога of :


both her sisters или both of her sisters


с После both of / neither of / either of вы

можете употреблять us / you / them:


- Can either of them drive a car?

- I wanted Dill and Jem to stay but neither of them agreed.


Помните, чтоof очень важен:


- Both of them were very busy. (а не `Both them ...')


(d) После neither of ... вы можете употреблять

глагол как в единственном числе, так и во



- Neither of the students wants (или want) to answer.

- Neither of you has (или have) children.


(e) Запомните пары both... and ..., neither...nor...

и either ... or :


- Both Dill and Ann missed the performance.

- We were both tired and hungry.

- Neither Ted nor Sam won the contest.

- He said he would contact me but he neither wrote nor phoned.

- I'm not sure where he is from. He's either French or German.

- Either you apologise or I'll complain on you.


(f) Местоимения both / neither / either могут также

употребляться без каких-либо дополнительных

слов, сами по себе:


- `Is he Spanish or German?' `Neither. He's Austrian'.

- `Do you want lemonade or cherry?' `Either. I don't mind.'

- He didn't know which one to choose. He liked both.


Что касается конструкции I don't either и

neither do I , смотри Unit 51c.

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