Unit 72
The (1)
О разнице между the и a / an смотри Unit 71.
(a) The... употребляется, когда речь идет о
чём-то существующем в единичном экземпляре.
- What is the highest mountain in the world?
- Madrid is the capital of Spain.
- The sun and the moon are planets.
- The only news I like is no news.
(b) The используется для:the ground, the sea,
the country, the countryside.
- On Saturday the whole family went to the country.
- The ground was wet and dirty.
- The sea looked pale and pink in the sunset.
- I don't want to live near the sea all my life.
Но, если речь идет о морском путешествии, то говорят:
go to sea / be at sea,.
- In his youth he went to sea. He spent ten years at sea altogether.
Сравните: space (а не the space), когда подразумевается
космическое пространство.
- The rocket ship manoeuvred in space.
- I wanted to put the table between the window and the bed but
the space was too small. (а не space)
с The используется со словами: the cinema,
the theater, the radio, но television.
- We often go to the theater.
- When did you go to the cinema last?
- I don't like television, I prefer to listen to the radio.
But my children watch television day and night.
The обычно не употребляется со словами,
обозначающими приёмы пищи.
- We had dinner at seven.
- What do you usually have for lunch?
A употребляется с самим существительным meal.
- Lucy had a meal in restaurant.
- Sometimes I like to go to a restaurant and have a nice meal.