Unit 85
No/none/any No/any + -one/-body/-thing/-where
(a) No none no-one nobody nothing nowhere
- No-one (или Nobody) came to see the lonely child.
- No system of government is perfect.
- `Where are you going?' `Nowhere. I'm staying here.'
- None of this money is mine.
- `What will you do this evening?' `Nothing.'
частица not никогда не употребляется с этими словами,
так как они уже имеют отрицательное значение:
- I heard nothing. (но не `I didn't hear nothing.')
- Nobody does anything I say.
В середине или в конце предложения чаще всего
используется конструкция с отрицательным глаголом:
(not...any /anyone /anybody /anything /anywhere ) :
- I didn't feel anything (= I felt nothing.)
- We haven't got any money. (= We've got no money.)
- The house isn't anywhere near here. (= ... is nowhere near here)
- She didn't meet anyone on her way. (= She met no-one)
(b) No и none = not a или not any:
- We had to walk because we had no car. (= we didn't have a car)
- I can't explain it to you. I have no time. (= I haven't any time)
- There were no seats evailable. (= there weren't any seats)
None иногда может употребляться сам по себе
(без существительного):
- `How many brothers has he got?' `None.'
none of употребляется в следующих фпазах:
none of these shops none of my money none of it/us/you/them
После none of + слово во множественном числе
('none of the girls / none of them' и т.д.) может
употребляться глагол как в единственном числе,
так и во множественном.:
- None of the people I met there were friendly to me.
с После no-one /nobody часто используются
they /them /their :
- Nobody came, did they? (= он или она?)
- No-one in the class were ready with their homework.
(= его или ее домашняя работа)
(d) any /no могут быть использованы с прилагательными
в сравнительной степени (any better /no bigger и т.д.):
- Does she feel any better today? (= Does she feel better at all? -
спрашивают у кого-то, кто чувствовал себя плохо вчера)
- I've waited long enough. I'm not waiting any longer.
(=не минутой дольше)
- I expected his wife to be young but she is no younger than mine.
(= не моложе даже на чуть-чуть)
Об any смотрите также Unit 84.