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Prepare For IELTS
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:48 AM | Message # 121
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Section Time
The interviewer will show you a card which presents an imaginary situation and invite you to ask questions about it. Your task is to get as much information as possible about the situation that he/she is pretending to be in. So, you mustshow curiosity about the imaginary situation, and ask a lot of questions. This section tests your ability to ask questions and to find out information about objects, events, sequences, opinions, attitudes, values or how things work.
On pages 159 to 161 you will find examples of the kinds of activity this section might have. These examples describe a situation and show you the type of card that may be given to you to help you ask questions. Each example also has suggested questions that you could ask and more ways for you to practise for section three.
Some candidates find this section difficult because they have to stop talking about real experiences and have to start 'playing a game' or 'taking a role'. It is important that you are prepared for this change of focus. You will be judged by how successfully you find out the information that the game requires. There is no need to be embarrassed by asking 'personal questions'. The interviewer is playing the game as well, and the answers he or she gives will not be about herself in real life. Be prepared to adjustyour language according to the role she plays. For example if the interviewer pretends to be a fellow student, use direct questions ('Where are you going?') and if she is pretending to be someone socially superior to you, use polite indirect forms ('Could you tell me ...?', or "Would you mind telling me ...?'). It may be helpful to think of this stage of the interview as being like the communication tasks that are part of the training in many English classrooms. The interviewer wants you to use a variety of question forms, to ask questions in a logical order, to ask sensible questions and to ask them in a natural way. Avoid starting questions with 'How about' too much of the time.
Section Four
The interviewer will refer to the information you gave in section one and askyou about your plans for your studies and what you intend to do after you complete the next stage of your education and in the future. You may have to talk about your ambitions and hopes or what you will do if some of your plans do not work out the way you hope they will. This section tests:
• how well you can talk about your own attitudes, opinions, emotions and plans
whether you can speculate about the future and use conditional verbs
• how well you can talk about your academic interests
• how well you can describe and compare objects and events
whether you can cope with changes between formal and informal language.
Section four is intended to push your English to the limit of your ability. The interviewer is likely to include some surprising questions. This means that you will almost certainly experience some difficulty by the end of the test. Don't worry, it is the aim to the test to find out the level at which you begin to experience difficulty.
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:48 AM | Message # 122
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If you are asked to discuss your future plans and hopes it is not a good idea to answer briefly. Nor should you say that you have no plans or that you don't know. Firstly, it appears weak to our (Western) eyes if a person has no plans for their future. Secondly, at this point in the interview the interviewer is looking at how well you can use the language of conditionals and hypothesis, of "what might happen if...', or what you 'might do if...'. Talk about your hopes, plans, fears: 'I hope to ...', 'I intend to...'. In Australian culture a personality does not seem weak when a person expresses possible alternative plans. If you really are unsure of your future, you can talk about your options, or you can invent some plans — it does not 'have to be the truth, although clearly the truth is usually easier to talk about.
This section also covers your personal plans as well as your professional plans. It is acceptable to talk about your hopes of (maybe) getting married and rearing a family, of your sporting and non-professional interests. Remember that Australians enjoy a lot of sport and hobbies, so the interviewer expects to hear you talking about these things as well as about your professional career.
Finally, bear in mind that this section is your last chance to show the interviewer just how good your spoken English is, so give it everything you have!
Section Five
This is the conclusion of the interview. The interviewer will thank you, and give you the opportunity to ask questions if you wish. Responding to this section will probably not seem as difficult as responding to section four.
The interview is now over.
II How You Can Prepare for the Interview
1 For section one think of all the questions you might be asked about who you are, where
you come from and about your education. With a friend practise askingand answering these questions. Go to social occasions, like parties, where you can practise these kinds of questions on people you meet.
2 For section two practise talking with a friend about aspects of life in your country or experiences you have had. Think of various topics associated with your country that you could be asked about, and then think of things to say about them. Check that you know the vocabulary that belongs with these topics. Think of as many questions as possible to ask your friend on these topics and together practise answering them. But remember that your aim is to practise speaking naturally in English; section two is not a general knowledge test.
3 For section three practise forming and asking questions on all sorts of subjects. You could use some of the pair activities in books such as:
Watcyn-Jones, Peter, 1984, Pair Work One, books A & B, Penguin Books
Watcyn-Jones, Peter, 1981, Pair Work, books A & B, Penguin Books
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:48 AM | Message # 123
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Study the structure of the different question types. Two grammar books recom-
mended for self-study are:
Schrampfcr Azar, Betty, 1989, Understanding and Using English Grammar, Prentice Hall, Chapter 1
Murphy, Raymond, 1986, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge
University Press, Units 49-52
Play question and answer games such as 'Twenty Questions' with your friend. Practise forming different types of questions without using'How about...'.
4 For section four hold conversations aboutyour professional and personal plans, goals, hopes, studies. Practise especially talking about what will happen if something does not work out as you have planned it.
5 For section five practise saying goodbye, shaking hands and leaving with a smile. If you are in an English-speaking situation, watch how people say goodbye after long conversations at enquiry counters in banks or shops.
6 Do these exercises with friends who are also preparing for the IELTS test.
7 Practise with any other friends or family members who are willing to help you. If their English is better than yours that's good, but do not worry if it is not; you will increase in confidence and fluency even if you have to talk to a mirror or to a pet!
8 Tape record your practice. Then listen to the recording and think how you could have extended your answers. See if you can pick out and correct mistakes in grammar or pronunciation. Ask your friends and relations to find mistakes in the recording.
9 Whileyouare practising do not let people keep stoppingyou to make corrections. This will not help you gain fluency. Correction is better done from a recording.
10 Remember that you cannot study for the interview from a book. Practice is the key. It is important to keep talking. If you cannot find anyone to talk to, talk to yourself, talk to the bedroom wall, talk to the mirror, talk in the shower.
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:48 AM | Message # 124
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III Examples of Phase 3 Tasks
Example 1
The interviewer may give you a card with information like this:
You are a friend of the interviewer. The interviewer will show you a photograph and a letter. You must ask questions to find out as much as you can about the let-
ter and photograph.

Some things to find out: Sender
Where from
Identity of person in photo
Interviewer's feelings
In this task, you can ask questions like:
Who is the letter from?'
'Where does he/she live?1
Why did he/she write to you?'
Who is the person in the photo?'
T)o you know the person who wrote the letter very well?1
Were you pleased or worried when you received the letter?'
When was the photo taken?'
Where is the place in the photo?'
Try to ask a follow-up question to one of the interviewer's answers. For example, for the last question, if the interviewer answered 'The photo was taken in Colorado', you could then ask, Why were they in Colorado?'
Practise this exercise with a photo belonging to a friend: ask your friend to show you a photograph of a place or a person you don't know and ask as many questions as you can to find out all about the subject of the photo.
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:49 AM | Message # 125
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Example 3

You may be shown a card like this:

ACME Academic Book Supplies
No.: 52379

You would also be given a question card like this:
Discount Card
By asking the interviewer, find out as much you can about the bookshop discount

Some things to find out: Where it can be used
Where it can be obtained
If you lose the card
The interviewer will have the following information:
1. Anybody can get a card.
2. It costs $15.
3. It is a life membership.
4. Friends cannot use your card.
5. It gives a 13 per cunt discount on all books.
C. There is no discount on stationery.
7. It can be used at all ACME bookshops.
8. There are 5 ACME bookshops in (your town).
9. If lost, it costs $5 to replace.
10. ACME bookshops only sell academic books and stationery.
Your questions might include:
'Where can I get a discount card?'
'Where can it be used?' and a follow-up 'Mow many ACME bookshops are there?'
'For how long is the card valid?'
'Does it cost anything?'
'What benefits does it give me?'
'What happens if I lose the card?'
'Is it only for books or can I use it for other things?'
Practise this kind of exercise with any kind of membership card that you or a friend may have. Remember to tape the conversation to check the way you ask questions.
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:49 AM | Message # 126
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Chapter 7
 Answers
 Reading & Writing Practice Tests
Answers to the reading qucs lions for each practice test are given first, followed by a typical or model answer to the writing tasks. The model essays represent one satisfactory way of completing the task, but not necessarily the only way.
 Module C Practice Test 1

 Reading
Part 1. Australia's Linguistic History something is done or through which something
passes; 'all languages use the same channel' or me-
Q.I 1850s (paragraph 2) dium, ie. the vibrations of (he atmosphere)
Q.2 1901 (paragraph 2) Q.IO False (paragraph 3: a cultural relationship comes
Q.3 1891 (paragraph 2) from contact between two different cultures)
Q.4 1946 (paragraph 3:'lhc period from Ihc lurn of Q.21 True (paragraph 4: genetic and cultural relation-
Ihc century to 1 946 saw the consolidation of the Eng- ships 'lend to' mean also a typological relationship,- '
lish language in Australia.') but related languages may diverge radically)
Q.5 1971 (paragraph 4:'belween 1947 and 1971...') Q.22 True (paragraph 4, last sentence)
Q.6 1973 (paragraph 4:'Sincc 1973, Australian immi-
gration policies have not discriminated against peo- Part 4. The Optimum Age for Language Learning
ple on the grounds of race...')
Q.23 level ('examination' is not logical)
Part 2. The Composition of Australia's Overseas Q.24 oplimum ('optimum' = best; the 'however' at
Horn Population hy Birthplace Ihc beginning of the sentence clearly shows that an
opposite point of view to Ihc previous sentence is
Q. 7 Europe about to be slated)
Q.8 Italy (footnote 1 . To add Ihc USSR litre is incor- Q.25 acquire (the space needs an infinilivc verb)
rect; the figures for Europe include the USSR hut the Q.26 worst ('early adolescence' reminds the reader
USSR was not one of the principal source countries that secondary school language leaching is being dis-
for immigrants) cussed, and Ihe use of 'in fact' gives cmph;isis to this
Q.9 Asia opposing view thai Is being expressed)
Q.10 Vietnam (footnote 2) Q.27 emotional ( 'given' here means 'if we lake into
Q.11 Turkey (footnote 2) account'; that is, if we consider the problems of teen-
Q.12 Middle Cast agers we would realise that adolescence is not a good
Q.13 New Zealand time for the extra stress of learning a language)
Q.14 45 (footnote 4: 45% of Ihc African toial were Q.2S no (that is, one can learn a language at any age:
from South Africa) note the double negative)
Q.29 accent (clear from the ncxl sentence)
Part 3. Some Traits of Language Q.30 debated ('controversy' is not possible here; the
space needs a past participle to complete the verb)
Q.15 T
Q 1 6 C Purl 6. Purposes of Language Study
Q.17 G (English is a 'cousin' of Latin, paragraph 3)
Q.18 False (paragraph 1 :'The latter [that there are Q.31 C
5,000 or more languages j is probably closer to the Q.32 G
Truth"; 'latlcr'=lhc last fact or name mentioned, as in, Q.33 A
for example, 'Australia has close relations with both Q.34 H
Britain and the USA, with Ihc former for historical Q.35 J
reasons and with the latter for reasons of defence and Note: all the other summaries arc supporting argu-
trade.') ments and comments relating to these main points.
Q.19 False (paragraph 2: 'medium' = means by which
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:49 AM | Message # 127
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O Writing
Writing Task 1: model answer
Many factors affect the successful learning of English as a second language. Some factors relate to the student's first language and ability in that language. For example, learning English is easier for people whose first lan- guage is from the Indo-European group of languages. A learner's fluency, degree of literacy and level of education also affect the capacity to learn English.
Teaching methods also influence the success of the learner. The skill and experience of the teacher are important as are the leaching strategics used by the teacher and the quality of the teaching aids and technology available.
Students of English arc also affected by various personal factors. The motivation of the learner, their age, the learning conditions and the time available for study arc all important influences. The student's feelings of jecurity about learning English arc similarly significant.
A clear understanding of all these factors will obviously assist in the learning of English as a second language.

Part I.Australia's Exports Part 3. The Heat Is On
Q.I Figure 4 Q.I 7 Predict ion No. 2
Q.2 Figure 3 Q.18 Prediction No. 1
Q.3 Figure 1 Q.I 9 Predidion No. 3
Q.4 Figure 5 Q.20 Prediction No. 4
Q.5 Figure 2 Q.21 India
Q.22 Dec. 1988
Part 2. Stricken Sea Net-ds Long-Term Solution Q.23 Scpl.1988
Q.24 Turkey
Q.6 b (the changes have been caused by the actions of 2.25 Philippines
humans, paragraph 4)
Q.7 c (paragraph 4) Port 4. Towards Global Protection of the Atmosphere
Q.8 a (paragraph 4)
Q.9 b (paragraph 6) Q.26 Incorrect
Q.10 a (paragraph 12) Q.2 7 Correct
Q.ll Incorrect (paragraph 9) Q.28 Correct
Q.I 2 Correct (paragraph 9) Q.29 Incorrect (paragraphs 7 & 8: the 10% figure re-
Q.I 3 Incorrect (paragraph 13) fers to improvements in energy-efficiency and en-
Q. 14 Correct (paragraph 1 1 ) ergy supply; the target for reduction of carbon
Q.15 Correct (paragraph 15) dioxide emissions is 20% by the year 2005, para-
Q.I 6 Correct (paragraph 15) graph 5)
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Q30 Incorrect (paragraph H: the goal is 2% by 2005) Q.34 Correct
Q.3I Correct (paragraph 10)
Q.32 Correct
Q.33 Correct
 Writing
Writing Tusk 1: model answer
Artesian water is a vilal source of water in some areas where there is little rainfall. An artesian water source can only form under certain geological conditions. A layer of porous rock must lie between two layers of impervious rock. Walcr, which may be run-off from a distant mountain range, is trapped in the layer of porous rock be-low the surface of the earth. Tor this to provide usable water, the layer of porous rock must be above sea level to prevent the water either seeping away into the sea or being contaminated by salt water. At weak points in the surface layer of impervious rock, or when a bore is drilled, the artesian water rises to the surface and is available for use.
Writing Task 2: model answer
Many people believe that human beings arc destroying the planet Earth. I have to agree with this statement and I believe there is plenty of evidence for it if we look at some of man's agricultural and industrial practices. In addition, the use of nuclear energy further increases the danger to the world.
Miin's agricultural practices arc severely damaging the environment. The incorrect use of land causes the formation of deserts; this is a particularly serious problem in Australia and the USA. Diversion of water from lakes and rivers for irrigation can also cause severe problems. The use of water from the Aral sea in the Soviet Union is an example of this.
Industrial wastes have caused critical pollution of water and the atmosphere. Atmospheric pollution has resulted in the 'greenhouse effect' — a phenomenon that is resulting in a dangerous increase in the temperature of the world. Similarly chemical pollution is damaging the ozone layer of the Earth. This results in dangerous ultraviolet rays entering the Earth's atmosphere.
Nuclear power also poses serious problems. One nuclear bomb can have devastating long-term effects. Even if nuclear power is used for peaceful purposes, the wastes arc so toxic and so long-lasting that we are endangering the lives of generations to come.
Some people may think that improved technology will solve the problems of the Earth. Others believe that man will eventually leam to cooperate and use resources intelligently. However, I think this is naive, wishful thinking, and from all the evidence man is destroying the Earth.
 Module C Practice Test 3
 Reading

Part 1. First National Literacy Report Q.S Group A = Column 5 (57%)
Q.9 Group D = Column 1 (12%)
Q.1 Correct Q.10 Group C = Column 4 (31%)
Q.2 Correct Q.11 Group D = Column 2 (10%)
Q.3 Incorrect Q.12 Group E = Column 3 (73%)
Q.4 Correct
Q.5 Correct Part 2. Hard Work is Asians' Secret of Success
Q.6 Not mentioned
Q.7 Incorrect ('Government plans to promote a "pro- Q.13 B (the pattern of agreeing and disagreeing with
ductive culture" and a strong national economy will the statements in the questionnaire is thai of an
fail without a workforce which is more adaptable, American parent)
mobile and highly skilled.') Q.14 higher ('harder' is not acceptable English; a
'high achiever' in modern English is an expression
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:50 AM | Message # 129
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often used to describe a person wilh ambitious goals Part 3. Got What It Takes to be a Marketing Man-
who usually achieves Ihem) ager?
2.75 effort
Q.16 innate (a quality you arc bom with, not learnt, as Q.27 Conflict Resolution = Point 11 ('...conflict reso-
in 'innate good sense') lution requires considerable managerial skill...')
Q.I7 beliefs ('false beliefs' = 'misconceptions, Q.28 Organisational Ability = Point 10 (' ...the skill to
myths'j'false myths' is a tautology, and wrong) alter the organisation of the company ... is a skill that
Q.I 8 more (paragraph 5) must be found in the marketing manager...')
Q.19 skills (paragraph 7) Q.29 Commissioning Research = Point 5 ('Market re-
2.20 less ('Chinese and Japanese mothers stressed Ihe search is a vital support ... [A manager must be able
importance of hard work to a grealer degree than to] commission good research.' Note how this sec-
American mothers and American mothers gave tion develops Point 1)
grealer emphasis to innate ability lhan did Chinese Q .30 Strategic Skills = Point 3 (' ...the skills needed
and Japanese mothers.') for thinking strategically are of a high order.' Note
Q.21 more that you have to read past the first sentence, and that
Q.22 actively ('Chinese and Japanese parents are the passage is contrasting 'strategy' with 'tactics'.)
more interested and involved in their children's Q.31 Market Behaviour Analysis = Point 1 (the pas-
schooling-Chinese and Japanese families mobilised sage discusses buyer behaviour; market research is
themselves to assist the child...') actually discussed in Point 5)
Q.23 expectations ('Chinese and Japanese mothers Q.32 Innovation Management = Point 2
held higher standards for their children's achieve- Q.33 Financial Management = Point 7
ment than American mothers...') Q.34 Systems Thinking = Point 8 (Note how this sec-
Q.24 American (' American mothers overestimated tion develops to state its main point in the last two
their child's abilities...') paragraphs.)
Q.25 Asian (' Chinese and Japanese mothers gave Q.35 Marketing Skills = Point 6 (This section de-
more realistic evaluations of their child's ... charac- scribes the components of the 'marketing mix', Ihe
teristics.') things thai make up a marketing manager's job.)
Q.26 realistic Q.36 Long-Term Thinking = Point 9 (The section con-
trasts short-term and long-term thinking.)
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:50 AM | Message # 130
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 Writing
Writing Task 1: model answer
The statements are clearly supported by lhe_graph and the stalistics. The table gives the actual number of students from the different locations whqattendedJiigher education in 1989. For example, 320,561 from urban areas attended higher educalion whereas Y7$25 rural students attended. However, students from remote areas who participated in higher education numbered only 13,959. The table indicates thai from all locations, just over half the students were women.
The graph shows the same trends but in a different form. Participation of people from the different locations in higher education in 1989 is plotted as the number of people per thousand (p.th.). Males and females are plotted separately. In remote areas approximately 40 males p.th. attended higher education while in rural areas the corresponding figure was about 23 males p.lh. In remote areas, however, the number of males who participated in higher educalion was only about 19 p.th. In all locations, more females p.th. attended higher education than did males.
Writing Tusk 2: model answer
The educalion of a child is significantly affected by both Ihe allilude of the parents and the quality of the child's school and teachers. I would not s;iy, however, thai Ihe parents' attitude is necessarily the more important of Ihese two factors.
A good parental allilude definiiely helps a child's school progress. Studies have shown that Asian students are oflen higher achievers in school than their American counterparts because Asian parents usually take a more active interest in their children's education. Uducalionatly minded parents can in fact compensate to a certain extern for a poor quality school or teachers. Such parents might provide extra work at home, encourage the child to read more or study by himself or herself. Concerned parents may even hire Ihe services of a tutor.
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:51 AM | Message # 131
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On the oilier hand, educationally minded parents arc usually nol enough to ensure Ihc good education of a child. Parents often don't have the resources of a good school, or the collective knowledge and training of a good teaching slaff. I;urthcrmorc, lime or money may limit what the well inlentioned parent can actually do for the child's education in practical terms.
Consequently, although parental attitude and quality of school and staff arc both important to a child's education, I don't feel that one is necessarily more important than the other. Perhaps ironically, it is usually the children of educationally minded parents thai finish up being sent to good schools with good teachers.
 General Training Module, Practice Test 1
 Reading

Part 1. Dial-It Information Services Part 4. Tertiary Preparation Certificate
Q.I 11680 2.27 22
Q.2 11% Q.22 competence (paragraph 1)
Q.3 11540 Q.13 future (an adjective is needed and none of the
Q.4 11511 others arc logical)
f2.5 11640 Q.24 recently
Q.25 mature ('old' is never used in this context)
I'art 2. UTS General Information Q.26 compulsory ('necessary' is not used in this way,
and 'obliged' is incorrect grammar)
Q-6 (a) Q.27 assessment (final paragraph)
Q-7 (b) Q.28 80%
Q.8 (b) Q.29 20%
Q-9 ©
Q.10 © (compare 'Student ID cards' and 'Movie Q-30 No ,
Concession pass") Q.31 Yes *
Q.11 (b) Q.32 Yes
Q-12 © Q.33 No
Q.34 Literature
Part 3. TAKE Course Descriptions
Part 5. Ready, Get Set, But Know What You're
Q.13 5418 Going For.
Q.14 3103
Q.15 3519 Q.35 M (paragraph 5)
Q.I 6 3534 Q.36 K (paragraph 15)
Q.17 8510 Q.37 N (paragraph 20)
Q.18 0843 Q.38 N (paragraph 21)
Q.19 0842 Q.39 M (paragraph 8)
Q.20 5419 Q.40 K (paragraphs 13 and 17)
 Writing
Writing Task 1: model answer
Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like some information about Ihc Tertiary Preparation Certificate. If possible I would like to enrol in this course as a part-time student in 1992.
I left school eight years ago after completing the 1ISC. Since then I have worked as a sales assistant in both Grace Bros and David Jones. From the beginning of this year I have been in charge of the Children's Wear Department in Grace Bros, Lilyfield. However, in order to advance any further in my career into a managerial position, I will need to do some further study, such as a Marketing or Business Course. Because I have not studied for many years, I believe that I should complete the TPC before enrolling in a Business course.
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:51 AM | Message # 132
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Could you please send me the information as soon as possible, and tell me the dates for enrolling in Ihe Tertiary
Preparation Certificate.
Yours faithfully.
Writing Task 2: model answer
Studying at college or university can have its difficulties. For example, making friends can be a problem. Joining a sports or interest club is a good way to meet people with similar interests.
New students at college will be faced with a new range of leisure activities. Students should be adventurous in trying new activities, but should also be careful that their leisure activities don't disrupt their studies.
College requires different study habits from school. Students must learn to study independently and it is important to establish a study routine.
Universities and colleges have a large number of facilities such as counselling services and sports centres. These services are often cheap and convenient, so new students should do their best to find out what facilities are available on campus.
With a bit of common sense, most students will not have any trouble adapting to college or university life.
O General Training Module Practice Test 2
O Reading

Part 1. UTS Kuring-gai Campus Information • Q.19 chlorine (section on 'Bathroom')
Evenings Q.20 tobacco water (section on 'Garden Pcsis')
Q.I (d) Part S. What Do Humans Eat?
Q-2 (a)
Q.21 consume
Part 2. Positions Vacant Q.22 cultural (in this question and the next, the word
is indicated by the rest of the sentence)
Q.3 4443331 Q.23 religious
Q.4 write a letter Q.24 availability (a noun is needed)
Q.5 7765489 - Q.25 trying (a gerund is needed)
Q.6 driver's licence Q.26 crops (the only possible thing you can 'grow' of
Q.7 (names of) 2 referees the words in the box)
Q.27 available ('increased1 is the verb here, 'avail-
Part 3. Consumer Bookshelf able' is an adjective)
Q.28 nutritional (the word is indicated by the
Q.8 Book Number 3 discussion of the 'nourishment' or 'food value' that
Q.9 Book Number 6 food must provide)
Q.10 Book Number 4 Q.29 little (an adjective is needed, which cannot be
Q.11 Book Number 7 'great' because that would not be a problem for peo-
Q.12 Book Number 5 ple's diet)
Q.13 Book Number 1
Part 6. UTS — A Smoke-Free Zone
Purt 4. A (itiide to Toxics in the Home
Q.30 (d) (see 'Stage 2' of implementation of Ihe pol-
Q.14 less icy)
Q.15 7 (section on 'Household Cleaners and Polish- Q.3 1 © (see 'Reasons for This Policy')
es') Q.32 (b) (sec 'Smoking')
Q.16 |4 litres of] hoi water (section on 'All 1'urposc Q.33 © (sec ' Passive smoking'; and/or means that -
Cleaner') passive smoking is exposure to either source or both
Q.17 yes (section on 'laundry') sources of cigarette smoke)
Q.18 (strong solution] ammoniu (section on 'Ovens') • Q.34 © (sec 'Liabilities and Loss to Employers')
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Q35 (e), ' non-smokers.')
Q36 (b) ( typical airconditionmg may be over- Q38 (a) ('Most Australian Life Assurance companies now offer reduced
whelmed by pollutants ...') premiums to non-smokers ...')
Q.37 (b) ('..smokers have higher accident rates than
 Writing
Writing Task 1: model answer
In the last twenty years it has been recognised that smoking causes great health problems for human beings. As we can see from information supplied by the UTS Occupational Health and Safety Branch in Reading Passage number 6, people who smoke are much more likely to suffer from illnesses such as cancer, especially of the lungs and throat, bronchitis, ulcers and increased blood pressure. They also have a much greater chance of suffering a heart attack. Even the short-term effects are unpleasant, such as bad breath and staining of teeth and fingers.
There are similar health dangers in passive smoking, when non-smokers are exposed to cigarette smoke. Aircondilioning in buildings cannot remove all the tobacco smoke from the air, so even if people do not smoke Ihcy can become ill if they are near smokers. For example, they can suffer eye irritation, coughing and head- aches, and have more chance of getting lung cancer.
Writing Task 2: model answer
If you arc thinking of studying English in Australia, you should realise that Australian eating habits and food can be very different from those in Korea.
Australians don't eat rice at every meal as we do in Korea, and most Australians have never heard of Kimchee. A formal Australian meal can consist of a number of courses starting with soup, going on to a main course and then onto dessert. At each course you usually receive only one plate of food and not the variety of dishes and soups that we get in Korea. Another thing about the food in Australia is that it is not so highly flavoured as in Korea.
Fortunately, finding suitable food to cat in Australia is no problem. Because there are quite a few Korean immigrants in Australia, there arc plenty of Korean restaurants in the main cities. The large cities also have supermarkets and shops specialising in Korean and other Asian food.
In fact, a good aspect of living in Australia is that it gives you an opportunity to try food from all over the world at quite cheap prices.
 General Training Module Practice Test 3
 Reading

Part 1. Union Buys Student Accommodation Part 3. Don't Risk A Life Sentence
Q.I (b) Note: the 'life sentence' of the headline is explained
Q.2 (a) in paragraph 2. The key to the passage is to under-
Q.3 (b) stand that if there is a 'labour shortage' in a particu-
lar occupation, this means that there are more jobs
Part 2. UTS Library Guide available than there are qualified people to fill them,
so it is easier to find a job in that occupation than in
Q.4 Kuring-gai one with an 'oversupply' of qualified people.
Q.5 North Shore - St Leonards
Q.6 North Shore - Gore Hill Q.13 S (see 'Health')
Q.7 Markets Q.14 S (see 'Health')
Q.8 Balmain Q.15 S (see 'Hospitality Trades')
Q.16 S (sec 'Science')
2.9 False Q.I 7 S (see Teaching')
Q.10 True Q.18 O (see 'Business Professions')
Q.11 True Q.19 S (see paragraphs on TAFE qualifications)
Q.12 False
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:51 AM | Message # 134
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Q.20 S(dillo)
Q.21 O (see 'Engineering')
Part 4. UTS Student Loan Fund
Q.22 No
Q.23 5500
Q.24 up lo 18 months
Q.25 at least 50%
Q26 No Part 6. What Australians Are Like and How To
Get To Know Them
Q27 Not Mentioned
Q.28 Agrees (see 'Individuality')
Q.29 Agrees (see 'Equality')
Q.30 Contradicts (see 'Directness')
Q.31 Agrees (see 'Informality')
Q.32 Not Mentioned
Q.33 Agrees (sec 'Greetings')
Q.34 Not Mentioned
Q.35 Contradicts (see 'Social Invitations')
Q.36 Agrees (see 'Saying "Thank you1")
 Writing
Writing Task 1: model answer
The diagram shows Iwo types of fire extinguishers, A Class and B Class. The A Class fire extinguisher, coloured red, is used for fires occurring in textiles, wood and paper. II contains water. Il must not be used for electrical or flammable liquid fires. You should carry ihe extinguisher to the fire, grip the hose, remove the pin, and squeeze the handle. You should point the liquid stream at Ihe seat or base of Ihe fire. However, you should read Ihe instructions because some types arc used upside-down, or inverted.
The B Class fire extinguisher, coloured blue, is used for flammable liquid fires but must not be used for electrical fires. This fire extinguisher conlains foam. Il is used in Ihe same way as Ihe A Class extinguisher, except that Ihe fire should be attacked with a sweeping molion.
Writing Task 2: model answer
Dear Vivicnne,
How is life back in Taiwan? Australia is quite inlcresting bul very different from Taiwan. People are much more informal here. They usually call each oihcr by just Ihcir first names! And everybody dresses so casually! Everyone wears jeans, sometimes even lo work.
Australian food takes some getting used lo. Beef and lamb are very popular and Australians seem surprised that we cat rice at every meal. I much prefer rice lo potatoes, though.
Oh, and anolhcr thing. When I asked my landlady how much her house cost, she told me not lo be rude. Apparently it is also bad manners to ask someone how much they earn. Though people don't seem to mind asking me how much I weigh. I think that's a bit rude!
Well, I had beiler gel back lo work.
All ihe best,
Xiao Dong
BakhtiyorDate: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:51 AM | Message # 135
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Messages: 426
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Status: Offline
 Answers
 Listening Practice Tests
 Listening Test 1

Q.I A Q.22 fatal injuries
Q.2 D Q.23 scldom/rarcly/hardly ever
Q.3 B
Q.4 D Q.24 coast
Q.5 Ashlon (II musl be spent correctly) : Q.25 oil tanker
Q.6 12-12-1969 Q.26 American
Q.I British Q.27 tree
Q.8 5 Henry Si Q.28 released
Q.9 Lcichhardl (II musl be spell correclly; for the Q.29 van
slrccl and suburb, as long ;is the information is cor- Q.30 rocks (It must be plural)
rect, il doesn't matter which line you write them on) Q.31 worse/worsening
Q.IO 58-5989 Q.32 next week
Q.I 1 Safe distance Q.33 C (This is stated in Ihe firsl sentence.)
Q.I 2 rough Q.34 C (The lecturer says that Ihc Chinese govern-
Q.13 nighl ment didn't allow emigration.)
Q.14 alcohol Q.35 B (The lecturer states that as the transporta-
Q.I 5 eating tion of convicts from England decreased, the squat-
Q.I 6 alone
Q.17 fiags (It musl be plural) ters and other employers Ipokcd for another cheap
source of labour.)
Q.18 panic Q.36 D (The lecture says that Ihc men began to
Q.19 parallel look for a scapegoat to blame for their problems and
Q.IO 1 metre that ihcy found it in Ihe Chinese.)
Q.2I dangerous Q.37 B (This is slated in the last sentence of the lec-
 Listening Test 2

Q 1 C Q.20 north
Q-2 B Q.21 (very) few
Q.3 D Q.22 19 million
Q-4 A Q.23 mountainous/covered in mountains
Q-5 Andrew (The spelling musl be correct) Q.24 huge
Q.6 32 City Road Q.25 spring
Q-7 Newlown 2040
Q.8 12-12-1968 Q.26 D (The newsreader says 'all three sides in the
Q-9 Darwin nine month civil war' which eliminates A. Further-
Q.10 3 more, a ceasefire stopped on Thursday, not Ihc fighi-
Q.11 Canadian ing; and the fighting was 'in and around Ihc capital
Q.12 TJ11965 city'.)
Q.27 B (The newsreader says that union leaders
Q.13 3 million 'called off three weeks of crippling strikes on Satur-
Q.14 democracy day...', and thai more than one million workers 'luui
Q.15 jungles joined the protest'.)
Q.16 famous Q.28 D (The newsreader lists the three people — Ihc
Q.17 113 million company owner, Ihe director, and Ihe captain — and
Q.18 republic stales that they have all been charged.)
Q.19 deserts Q.29 B (Abortions were legal and free but under Ihc

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