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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:29 AM | Message # 61 |
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| Writing Task 1
Chapter 4 General Training Module Test Number 1 Reading Reading & Writing Practice Tests Part 1. Dial-It Information Services Read the following information and answer Questions 1 - Son page 69. Dial-it Information Services (One local call fee is charged for each call)
Time 1194 News 1199 Sportsfone Cricket and Major Sporting Events 1187 1188 TAB Racing Service *Day Meetings *Night Meetings 1181 1182 Weather 1196
Alpine Accommodation Life. Be-in-It. Activities 11629 and Snow Report 11539 Lottery Results 11529 Cancer Information Service 11648 Lotto Results and Dividends 11521 Cash Management Trust NRMA Road Report 11571 Information 11625 Ski News and Weather 11547 Computerline 11504 Shipping Movements Dairy Line 11638 (Passenger and Cargo) 11551 Defence Force Careers Line 11609 Smoking Quit Line 11640 Dial-a-Horoscope 11635 Stock Exchange Reports Dial-a-Prayer 747 1555 Mining 11511 Dial-a-Record 11661 Oil 11517 Fire Restrictions Information 11540 Industrials A-H 11513 Fresh Food Line 11538 Industrials I-Z 11515 Gas Company Information 11535 Sydney Futures Exchange Reports Hints for Healthy Living 747 1133 Financials and Metals 11518 Hoyta Cinema Programme Rural 11519 and Session Information 11680 Television Programmes 11660 Insurance Information Service 11570 Thredbonews 11544 Job-Line 11503 Venereal Disease Information 11646
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:29 AM | Message # 62 |
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| General Training Module Reading & Writing Practice Test I Part 1. Dial-It Information Sendees Questions 1-5 Read the information on the page headed "Dial-It Information Services'. Answer the following questions by writing the correct telephone number in the box on the Answer Sheet. The first one has been done as an example. I Example: What number do I telephone to find out the time?
ex 1194 1. What number do I call to find out the time of a movie at the Hoyts centre? 2. We want to go on a picnic today but don't know what the weather will be like. What number can we ring to find out? 3. What number will tell me if lighting a fire in the open is forbidden today? 4, I have invested money in some mining shares and would like to know what the value of my shares is today. What number can I call? 5. What number can I telephone to get help to stop smoking?
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:32 AM | Message # 63 |
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| Part 2. University of Technology, Sydney General Information for Students Read the information below and answer Questions 6-12 on pages 71 to 72. Stamps: These are sold at the Union Newsagency at both Broadway (Level 3A) and Markets (A Block) Campuses. Street Directory: A copy can be found at the Students' Association Office, Level 3A, Broadway. Lecture Timetables Lecture timetables can be obtained from your Faculty Office, but if you are one of the many that suffer timetable hassles, the Faculty Clerk (at the Faculty Offices) will help you to sort out those frequent mix-ups. However, you can also see your nearest lecturer who is dubbed 'Academic Advisor' when performing this role. Student ID Cards: This piece of plastic allows you to borrow library books and table tennis equipment, get discounts at local stores, borrow sports equipment, and get cinema concessions at the smaller movie houses. It also acts as proof of identity where required. You will be given a card when you enrol. A lost card can be replaced by the Student Information Office, Level 4, Broadway. Travel Concession Cards: These get you half price on public trans- port and they are issued upon enrolment. If you lose it or you need a replacement then contact Student Information on Level 4. Movie Concession Pass: To get a discount on movie tickets at major cinemas you need a special card, available from the Union Office at Broadway. Library Book Return: Just in front of the Security Office at the Broadway Campus there is a library book return box which will save you a trip to the library. Overdue books cannot be left there and must be returned directly to the library. - Travel: The International Student Identity Card gets you discounts at museums, theatres, cinemas and retail outlets all over the world. It costs $8 (plus a passport-sized colour photograph of yourself) and is only available to full-time students. It is avail- able at the Students' Association Office, Level 3A, Broadway.
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:32 AM | Message # 64 |
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| General Training Module Reading & Writing Practice Test 1 part 2. University of Technology, Sydney General Information for Students Questions 6-12 From the information in Part 2 of the reading section, answer the following questions by writing the letter corresponding to the correct answer in the boxes on the Answer Sheet. The first one has been done as an example. Example: To replace a lost student ID card you would: (a) Go to the Students' Association Office, Level 3A, Broadway (b) Go to the Union Office at Broadway © Go to the Student Information Office, Level 4, Broadway
Ex C 6. A copy of a Sydney Street Directory can be found at: (a) Students' Association Office, Level 3A, Broadway (b) Student Information, Level 4 © Union Newsagent, Level 3A 7. To purchase stamps you would go to: (a) The Students' Association Office, Level 3A, Broadway (b) The Union Newsagency 8. Overdue library books: (a) can be returned in the library book return box near the Security Office at the Broadway campus (b) must be returned to the library itself
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:32 AM | Message # 65 |
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| Part 2 continued 9. A lost travel concession card can be replaced by contacting Student Information on: (a) Level 3 (b) Level 2 © Level 4 10. Do you need a special card to get a discount on movie tickets? (a) Yes (b)No © It depends on the movie house 11. Can you use your student ID card to get a half price concession on public transport? (a) Yes (b) No © It depends on the form of transport 12. If you have a problem with your timetable, you can get help from your lecturer and also from: (a) the Students' Association (b) the Student Information Office © the Faculty Clerk at the Faculty Offices
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:32 AM | Message # 66 |
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| part 3. TAPE Course Descriptions Questions 13 - 20 Read the TAPE course descriptions in Part 3 of the reading passages, on pages 74 to 75. Each course has a Course Number. From the descriptions given, match the Course Titles below to their description by writing the Course Number in the boxes on the Answer Sheet. The first one has been done as an example. Course title Course number Example: Accounting
Ex 8635
13. Creative Arts - (Visual Arts) 14. Pilot Licence, Commercial 15. Management 16. Travel and Tourism 17. Public Administration 18. Garment Cutting - Trade 19. Sewing Machine Maintenance - Trade 20. Creative Arts - (Music)
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:32 AM | Message # 67 |
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| General Training Module Reading (•/ Writing Practice Test; Part 3. TAPE Course Descriptions Read the following information and answer Questions 13 - 20 on page 73.
Course No: 5418 Course No: 5419 Award: Associate Diploma Award: Associate Diploma Stage I Stage I Creative Studies I Major instrumental elective Art theory I Minor instrumental elective * Painting I Harmony & composition I * Ceramics I History of music I • Fibre I Ensemble & conducting I * Photography I Electronic music & recording 1 * Printmaking I Concert practice I Aural training I * The student will select two of the subjects marked with an asterisk, one will be continued as a major study for the duration of the course Music in the community I General education elective .
Course No: 0843 Course No: 8635 Award: Certificate Award: Associate Diploma Attendance: Three years, eight hours per week Attendance: Two years, thirty-six weeks, 18 hours per week (1476 hours total); Four years, thirty-six weeks, nine This course provides the theoretical and practical train- hours per week (1260 hours total); Available Externally ing required by garment cutters in the clothing industry. On completion of the course, they should be capable of In this course, students develop the skills necessary to drafting, culling and grading a basic fabric width, and become professional accounting personnel. Students understanding the processes of garment construction become proficient at understanding and processing fi- operations for mass production and special-measure or- nancial data, from which they leam to produce reports, ders in clothing manufacture. financial statements, analyses and forecasts. The ac- counting information, which they leam to produce, com- In particular, the course provides training in metric plies with institutional, legal, social and managerial measurements related to a variety of anatomy, body standards. proportions and body types. Students leam to apply the concepts of design and pattemmaking theory to garment styling, to understand the basic colour theories, and line and shape considerations. Course No: 8510 Award: Advanced Certificate In addition, students leam about the use and mainte- Attendance: Three years, thirty-six weeks, six hours nance of cutting-room equipment, organisation and per week (648 hours total) processes. In this course, students become familiar with the broad fields covered by the public administration, .and the relationship between the social, political, financial and managerial aspects of government. Students also de- velop the skills and attitudes necessary for coping with technological and organisational change. The course has been designed around five strands: Finance and Economics, Management and Organisation, Communi- cation, Office Administration and Public Administra- tion.
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:32 AM | Message # 68 |
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| General Training Module Reading & Writing Practice Test 1 part 3 continued
Course No: 3534 - Course No: 0842 Award: Associate Diploma Award: Certificate 9 Attendance: Three years, eight hours per week ( ; This course is designed for persons pursuing or devel- oping careers at management level in the sales, market- ing and related administrative areas of the travel and Trainee mechanics receive theoretical and practical in- struction so that they may efficiently service the various tourism industry. It provides education and training machines used in apparel plants. An understanding is related to those occupations in the following kinds of developed of the importance of maintaining the best firms and organisations, travel agencies, tour operators, possible production-flow through the various depart- lour wholesalers, regional and national tourism organi- ments of the plant and-a mechanic's responsibilities in sations, and in sales-marketing facets of airlines, other relation to this concept. carriers, hotels and other accommodation businesses. Entrance requirements: None Compulsory subjects Geography Stage I Economics Workshop procedures I Tourism I Textiles process theory I Marketing I Sewing machine servicing I Business and consumer psychology Business communication Statistics Tourism II Course No: 3103 Management I Award: Statement of Attainment Marketing II Attendance: Eighteen weeks, twelve hours per week, Financial management Business law part-time, or nine weeks full-time. Marketing III This course prepares students for the appropriate exami- nations set by the Civil Aviation Authority. Enrolments will be accepted either for the full course or for individ- ual subjects. Course No: 3519 Award: Advanced Certificate Attendance: Three years, thirty-six weeks, six hours Applicants should have completed the Private Pilot Li- cence theory examinations. per week (648 hours total) Subjects This course has been designed to assist the individual's Aeroplane performance and operation advancement to the position of manager of a profit centre in a small or medium size corporation, or in the Engines, systems and instrumentation Meteorology division or branch of a large scale organisation. It aims Navigation and flight planning to develop his or her ability to function effectively in one Principles of flight specialist area, such as sales management, understand Flight rules and radio procedures the work performed in other functional areas, such as the finance, marketing, production and personnel depart- ments, and direct the managerial functions of planning, organising, directing and controlling. Satisfactory completion of the course together with rele- vant work experience can lead to membership of the Australian Institute of Management and the Manage- ment Graduate Society.
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:33 AM | Message # 69 |
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| Part 4. The TAPE Tertiary Preparation Certificate Read the following passage and chart and answer Questions 21 - 34 on pages 78 to 79.
The Tertiary Preparation Certificate Part-time — weekly attendance is up to 11 (TPC) is a matriculation course for mature hours (2 year course) age students. The TPC aims to help stu- dents develop confidence and competence in The Course a range of skills. It is particularly suitable for people who have not studied for some There is only one compulsory subject — Lan- time, and who need to develop effective guage and Learning Skills. Other subjects study skills. These skills include: use of a include: (Anthropology, Australian Politics library, writingskills (including word usage, and Government, Australian Society, Biol- essays and report writing), speaking to ogy, Chemistry, Computing, Experimental small groups of people, techniques for suc- Processes, Education and Society, Environ- cessful independent learning, note taking, or- mental Studies, Literature, Mathematics, ganising lesson material, presenting seminars, Media Studies, Physics, Statistics, The Aus- efficient reading and research techniques. tralian Economy, and World History Turn- ing Point. Successful completion of the TPC will allow entry to TAFE Diploma and Associate Di- The grid on the next page shows which col- ploma courses. The TPC is accepted by most leges offer the TPC course. Not all colleges universities and tertiary institutions for en- offer all subjects. You must ensure that the try into most courses. It is also recognised subjects you select will allow you entry to by the NSW Public Service, the Defence your chosen course(s). For example, most Forces, and the NSW Police. tertiary science courses require a back- ground in mathematics and chemistry NOTE: The completion of a TPC course does and/or physics. not guarantee eligibility for entry into all tertiary institutions or courses. You should If you wish to enter a university course you contact the relevant tertiary institution(s) to must complete at least five subjects (a total ensure you are eligible for entry into the of ten semester units of study). If you wish course and institution of your choice. to enter a TAFE Diploma or Associate Di- ploma you must complete at least four sub- Entry Requirements jecta (eight semester units of study). You may find it helpful to discuss your subject The entry requirement for TPC courses is selection with a TAFE Counsellor. either the NSWSchool Certificate or TAFE's Certificate in General Education, or equiva- Assessment lent. Students who lack these qualifications need to show that they could succeed in the TPC students are assessed throughout the course. In general, preference will be given year. The final mark includes written as- to older students. signments, tutorials, practical work and tests. Assessment tasks are worth 80 per Age: Minimum age 18 years at time of en- cent of the total mark for each subject. The rolment. end-of-year examination is worth 20 per cent of the total mark for each subject. The TPC Attendance: Full-time — weekly atten- ia assessed by TAFE. dance is 22 hours (1 year course);
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:33 AM | Message # 70 |
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| General Training Module Reading & Writing Practice Test 3 Part 4. The TAPE Tertiary Preparation Certificate Questions 21 -29 Read the passage on page 76. The passage below is a summary of some information about the TPC. Use the information in the passage to complete the text by choosing the correct word from the words in the box below. Write your answer in the boxes on the Answer Sheet. The first one has been done as an example. Note that there are more words than spaces. Each word can be used only once. Example: The Tertiary Preparation Certificate will be offered at several TAFE Colleges in 1991 as a one year example -time course.
Ex Full The weekly attendance by a full-time student in this course is 21 hours per week. The course aims at giving students confidence as well as 22 in a range of skills which will help them in their .....23 studies at TAFE colleges and universities. Most students who take the TPC will not have studied 24 and may have left school some time ago, as the course is especially designed for 25. age students. There is one 26 subject and many others to choose from, depending on the college. In the TPC, 27 is continuous throughout the year; tasks such as written assignments, tutorials and practical work are worth 28 of the total mark for each subject, and the end-of-year examination is worth 29
optional 20% future recently plan assessment 80% compulsory mature 22 assignment full competence soon current 100% tasks obliged younger necessary nothing old 11 essays
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:33 AM | Message # 71 |
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| Part 4 continued Questions 30 - 33 From the information in the chart 'Expected Locations of TPC and Subjects 1991', decide if the following proposed subjects are possible or not. Write Yes in the box on the Answer Sheet if the proposed subjects are possible; write No if the subjects are impossible. The first one has been done as an example. Example: Biology and Media Studies at Granville
ex Yes 30. Education and Society, and Statistics at Liverpool 31. Statistics in the evening at Sydney 32. Biology, Computing and Mathematics in the evening at Campbelltown 33. Physics and Computing at St. George Question 34 From the information in the same chart, answer the following question. Write your answer in the box on the Answer Sheet. 34. What subject is missing from this list of subjects available at North Sydney College of TAFE?
Subjects offered: * Australian Economy * Environmental Studies * Language and Learning Skills * World History Turning Point * Statistics * Australian Society * Media Studies
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:33 AM | Message # 72 |
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| Part 5. Ready, Get Set, But Know What You're Going For Read the passage below and answer Questions 35 - 40 on page 81.
Being a member of a university's chocolate club or children later on. campaigning in ils local conservation group are not the only requirements necessary for adaptation to life on .'The hardest thing at university is keeping up with the campus. pace,' Kyliesaid. 'University is different to high school as students are left to work on their own and if they fall This is the advice of 20-year-old Michael Francis, a behind they're in trouble.' second year student at the University of NSW, who, like other students, believes newcomers to tertiary life can Kylie said she was lucky that some of the lectures were make it if they follow their own rules. held in small groups and thai the lecturers al the univer- sity were approachable. Many would say Michael entered university the hard way — he didn't gel enough marks when he completed 'There appears to be less work at university than at his Higher School Certificate at Wavcrlcy College in school, but we are required to work much faster. Some- 1987, so he did it again in 1988 at Randwick Technical limes you can go three weeks with next to nothing to do College. One year later and 150 marks more, Michael and then all of a sudden mid-semester exams and assign- was accepted into the social science course at the Uni- ments just hil you." versity of NSW with an entry score of 355. Students needed to be able to learn quickly if they were 'It took me six months to adapt and feel confident about contemplating tertiary study and should start thinking myself and I can honestly say it has taken others up to a about assignments as soon as they were given them. year to fit in,' Michael said. The major difference between university and school was Michael felt that he matured fast at technical college last that at university students did their own 'pacing', she year, where he was constantly surrounded by older said. people and required to do a lot of work on his own. Narelle Oxley, 18, has wanted to be a nurse since she Michael said that while he loved being at university, he had was a young girl. She started her three-year course al several criticisms about the university system in general. Charles Slurt University, Mitchell campus, last year and has not run into any problems so far. 'There needs to be some sort of bridge between Year 12 and first year at university because students need to be 'I don't really know how different university life at told what to expect on enrolment day. Perhaps they Charles Slurt is to life in a cily university — I would should visit the university and meet students before they go there.' imagine it is the same,' she said. 'The first couple of weeks were scary because I felt Michael described university as being intimidating at alone. But then I realised that all the students were in first — being in tutorials with older people who seemed the same boat.' to have so much knowledge — but said students must realise they loo had knowledge in other areas. 'Students It was totally different from school because there were should not be embarrassed if they make mistakes — more essays, and students seemed to help you more. everybody makes mistakes.' whereas at school there was so much competition and little help from classmates, she said. Kyjiejiance, 18, knew she had made the right move when she started the Bachelor of Business Management 'It is more relaxing at university and lectures are so course at the University of Western Sydney this year. different to the classroom atmosphere. I thought lee- However, she said one of the biggest problems many lures would be difficult, but the lecturers are helpful, students had was choosing the most suitable course. often dictating the important parts.' Kylie put a great deal of thought into her future when Narelle suggests that students try lo make the right she left Blaxland High School last year. She made the decision in (he beginning, rather than starling a course, choice knowing that she wanted a job which would pay finding out they don't like it, then either dropping out or well, allow her some freedom and lime to bring up seeking a transfer.
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:33 AM | Message # 73 |
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| part 5- Ready, Get Set, But Know What You're Going For Questions 35 - 40 Read the passage headed 'Ready, get set, but know what you're going for'. Listed below are paraphrases of the opinions of the three students about tertiary study. In the boxes on the Answer Sheet write one letter to show whose opinion each statement is: Write: M for Michael Francis K for Kylie Dance N for Narelle Oxley. The first one has been done as an example. Example: Joining clubs and societies at college is not the only thingyou should do to adapt to life on campus.
Ex m 35. It may take six months or a year to feel that you belong at college. 36. There seems to be less work at university than in high school but a lot of assignments can fall due at the same time. 37. The first few weeks are frightening but after that students realise that there are many students who have the same problems. 38. Other students seem to be more helpful at university than at school, and there is less competition. 39. Year 12 students need to be given more information about university life and enrolment procedures before they go there. 40. Every student at university is responsible for how fast or how slowly they work. They should not fall behind. This is the end of the reading test
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:34 AM | Message # 74 |
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| The answers to all the reading questions are in Chapter 7, beginning on page 162. General Training Module Reading & Writing Practice Test I Write your answers to the reading practice tests in the boxes below. You may cut out this page to make it easier to use.
Answer Sheet i 21 2 22 J 23 4 24 S 25 6 26 7 27 8 28 9 29 10 30 11 31 12 32 13 33 14 34 15 35 16 36 17 37 18 38 19 39 20 40
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Bakhtiyor | Date: Sunday, 2012-06-10, 11:34 AM | Message # 75 |
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| This page has been deliberately left blank. General Training Module Reading & Writing Practice Test 1 .
T Test Number 1 Writing Writing Task 1 Write a letter to the Information Officer at the TAPE Information Office asking for information about the Tertiary Preparation Certificate. Describe your educational background and your reasons for wanting to do the course. * You should write at least 80 words. * Allow yourself 15 minutes for this task.
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